Announcing ANWC 2025 Excellence in Journalism (EIJ) Award Recipient Petula Dvorak of the Washington Post, April 3, 2025 at the ANWC.
To see the invitation, click here.
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Don't Miss this. Tues. March 18, 2025, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Click here to reserve by March 13.
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Annual Meeting 2024, Election of Officers and Program, a Great Success!
Board Members, (left to right) Jane Pennewell, Jan Du Plain, Hal Matson, Sandy Trupp, Claire Swift, and Sheilah Kast flank The New York Times White House Correspondent,featured author, and new ANWC member, Katie Rogers, for what turned out to be a trailblazing evening highlighting American Woman. For more photos, visit our Photo Galleries. (Photos by Patricia McDougall)
For a complete list of ANWC 2024-25 Board of Governors and Officers, click here.
Longtime Board Member, Sandy Trupp, and her daughter, Rebecca Trupp, also a longtime member, enjoy the Annual Meeting and Program, June 12. Sandy Trupp has been a big proponent for members to include their families in the gift of ANWC Membership. This will be the first year we will allow members to renew online as an option.
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Maureen Dowd Dazzles with Distinction
To a jam packed Clubhouse full of exceptional members and friends from near and far, Maureen Dowd won the room with her honest and studied words on the importance of being a "newspaper woman" as she accepted her ANWC Excellence in Journalism Award 2024. (Pictured left to right, Sheilah Kast, Eleanor Clift, Claire Swift and Maureen Dowd, ANWC EIJ Recipient 2024. (Photo by Neshan Naltchayan)
To view the evening's program, click here.
Behold a great writer of the world in our midst. ANWC EIJ honoree 2024, Maureen Dowd, holds the "Who, What, Where" award originally designed by Lolo Sarnoff. (Photo by Patricia McDougall)
Pulitzer prize-winner, Ashley Parker, Kevin Dowd, Eleanor Clift, Claire Swift, ANWC EIJ recipient 2024 Maureen Dowd, Carl Hulse and Sally Quinn. (Photo by Patricia McDougall)
Our special thanks to The New York Times for your support and to Board Member Sheilah Kast and the Marion Mattingly family who have generously donated this years' scholarship awards presented to our 2024 scholarship winners during the festivities. Special thanks also to Shahin Mafi for her sponsorship.
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Don't miss the ANWC's Red Holiday Party on Wednesday, Dec. 6th at 5:30 p.m.
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Come hear the riveting stories of women journalists covering war.
Thursday, Oct. 12 at 6:30 p.m. RESERVE TODAY!
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Join us for our launch event of the season!
Trailblazing, Wisdom and Networking at its very finest.
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Read All About It: ShopTalk 2023, Renew Your Membership Today!
It's time to renew your membership for 2023-24! Click here if you would like to print the renewal from home and mail in. Click here if you would like to see our digital version of ShopTalk. We're looking forward to another trailblazing year at the Club! Call 202-332-6770 or email
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The ANWC Board, members, and guests gathered at the Clubhouse for the Annual Meeting on June 21, 2023, to celebrate a year of 'Saving History" as we move into our Trailblazing year 2023-24. The meeting was followed by a fascinating presentation from Pew Research Center's Galen Stocking on our nation's relationship with podcasts. Click here for more photos. Pictured from left to right, Olivia Cusick, Pauline Tompson, Jan DuPlain, Honorary Board Member, Hal Matson, Club Hisorian, Margaret Ryan, Past President, Eleanor Clift, Governor, Page Crosland, Jean White, President, Jane Penewell, Board Member, Claire Swift,Past Pres. & Executive Chair and Board Member Sheilah Kast.
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Annual Meeting/State of the Media/State of the Club Coming Up June 21, Don't Miss It!
Join us Wednesday, June 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m. for our Annual Meeting, Election of Officers & Program. The Annual Meeting and Election of officers starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. and will be followed by Pew Research Center's presentation of the latest from 'State of the News Media" with podcasts and Q&A session following. Let's raise our glasses to another extraordinary year of "Saving History" at the Club! Click here to reserve today.
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Congratulations Dana Bash and Well Done!
To a packed crowd of friends, family, club members, superstar CNN personalities and scholarship winners, Dana Bash, EIJ recipeint 2023, was roasted, toasted and celebrated for her excellence."Now this is what you call a good situation," said Wolf Blitzer, one of her team of fabulous roasters. A wonderful night was had by all. And she was beaming. Well done Dana Bash. For all of your trailblazing hours, almost 30 years at CNN, you deserve it.
To view more photos of our all-star evening at our historic Club click here. (Gala photos by Neshan Naltchayan/ANWC)
This event is full. Registration is closed
Register for CNN's Dana Bash at the ANWC for Excellence in Journalism 2023
Please note: time has been updated from 6:00-8:00 PM. Valet Parking will be available.
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Another Trailblazer Paves the Way for DC's Historic Cherry Trees
Date change: Wednesday, April 5, 2023, (NEW DATE) Reserve today!
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Barbara Walters: Farewell to a Legend (1929-2022)
ANWC Excellence in Journalism Award Recipient 2013
She paved the way for women in journalism, broke every glass ceiling and created new roads in the field of journalsm. "She was a trailblazer not only for female journalists but for all women,” said her spokesperson. Rest in peace Barbara Walters. Farewell to a legend. (Photo by Neshan Naltchayan for ANWC)
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Come Join Us for Something Gold
Join us for the Gold Holiday Celebration! Monday, Dec. 5, 2022, 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse. Call 202-332-6770 or email
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Please join us on Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 6:30 p.m., following one of our most heated election seasons, for a very special Post Election Analysis with Eleanor Clift as moderator, and compelling panelists Elaine Kamarck of The Brookings Institution, who will be sharing her research from The Primaries Project: 2022 and Kellie Meyer, Wash. Correspondent from NewsNation.
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Please mark your calendars and join us on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse for a thought-provoking panel discussion on the HISTORY OF WOMEN IN THE PRESS, how far have we come and where do we go from here? You'll hear from our esteemed panel of women journalists including Petula Dvorak, popular Washington Post local columnist. She focuses on a range of important issues such as gun control, aborition, politics of parenting, mayors, modern families, among many other topics.
One of the original journalistic trailblazers, Dorothy Gilliam, author of Trailblazer: A Pioneering Journalist's Fight to Make the Media Look More Like America. Ms. Gilliam was the first black, female Washington Post reporter who broke barriers in so many ways which you will hear about in person.
Also joining us, noted expert Maurine Beasley, formerly with the Washinton Post and author of Women in the Press and other noted books including Eleanor Roosevelt:Transformative First Lady. Ms. Beasely has lead the charge in documenting women journalists and their relations and impact on First Ladies through the decades. Click here for her body of work. She will also be joined by other noted women journalists of our time. Boxed dinners will be served. RESERVE TODAY: or call 202-332-6770.
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The ANWC is in the midst of membership renewals as we plan for a year of "Saving History," 2022-23, after celebrating our 90th anniversary gala honoring Bob Woodward.
Read more about it in our Summer Edition of Shop Talk.
And be on the lookout for your membership renewal package.
Or call the Club office to renew at 202-332-6770.
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The legendary Bob Woodward, ANWC Excellence in Journalism (ANWC-EIJ) Award Winner 2022, flanked by Claire Swift, Exec. Chair, ANWC President, Mary Catherine Andrews (MC), and Norah O'Donnell, emcee and ANWC-EIJ Award Winner 2015 at the National Press Club podium. (Photos by Neshan Naltchayan)
All-Star Line up for ANWC's Benefit Dinner Honoring Bob Woodward for Excellence in Journalism includes, (l-r) Sally Buzbee, Sally Quinn, Bob Woodward, Norah O'Donnell, John Feinstein and Robert Costa.
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Excellence in Journalism With The Legendary Bob Woodward, ANWC's 90th and Scholarship Winners 2022
Thursday, May 12, 2022, National Press Club
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Fabulous Past Programs
Putlitzer Prize-Winning Journalist
A Virtual Program/Discussion
WED., FEBRUARY 2, 2022, 6:30 PM
on her new highly acclaimed book: The 1619
Project, A New Origin Story
(Photo by James Estrin)
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ANWC Roast and Toast for Excellence in Journalism at National Press Club a Great Success
To a packed (distanced) crowd, (standing room only), 2021 ANWC Excellence in Journalism honoree Lesley Stahl's line-up for those in support of her was worthy of prime time. She is pictured here flanked by broadcast news icon Sam Donaldson (left) and the legendary Susan Zirinskly (right) from CBS News. (Neshan Naltchayan)
Keep an eye out for more informative ANWC Programs coming soon!
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Come join the fun: Our annual holiday party will be held virtually on Thursday, December 10, 2020. Please call or email us at the Club to reserve.
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ANWC Excellence in Journalism award recipient 2017, Susan Page showed us all how women can make a difference at the podium October 7, 2020 as she moderated the VP debates from the University of Utah.
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We are in the midst of 2020-2021 membership renewals! If you did not recieve your membership renewal package in the mail or would like to renew in person, please email the club office at or call us at 202-332-6770. Included with the membership invoice are survey questions. Please make sure to answer the survey questions. Also please make sure to include your new address if you have moved. We want to hear from you!
Also included in your mailing is our latest version of Shop Talk.
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ANWC Annual Meeting 2020 (Virtual) and Opinion Forum
Wed., June 3, 2020
Despite these unprecedented times, the ANWC will be hosting our annual meeting virtually. Come share your thoughts in a new setting. Joining your fellow ANWC members virtually is easy from your mobile phone, landline or computer. Instructions on joining the meeting will be sent when we receive your reservation.
To reserve, email or leave a message at (202) 332-6770. This event is virtual and free of charge.
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We hope that during these unprecedented and difficult times you and your loved ones remain healthy and safe.
ANWC Postpones Spring Activities/Lesley Stahl Gala Rescheduled
ANWC 2020 Gala honoring CBS News/60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl for Excellence in Journalism has been rescheduled for October 8, 2020 at the National Press Club.
Click here to read April 4, 2020 Message from ANWC President, Mary Catherine Andrews
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Gwen Ifill makes news in 2020!
January 30, 2020 - ANWC EIJ Recipient 2014 Gwen Ifill has been stamped into history with her new Forever postage stamp, the most recent addition to the Black Heritage series from the US Postal Service. Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser declared January 30 Gwen Ifill Day. Rest in peace, Gwen Ifill, knowing you have left such a great legacy.
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Happy New Year and New Decade from the ANWC!
We have lots of exciting programs and announcements coming up and in the works. Stay tuned for a great 2020! Call us at the club at (202) 332-6770 with suggestions or questions. Our new office hours are Mondays and Fridays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and Wed. from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Our most exciting news of the decade has just been announced. Congratulations Lesley Stahl.
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Join us on Wednesday, December 11 for our annual holiday party! Reserve today at (202) 332-6770.
We can't wait to see you at our next groundbreaking program!
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Past Program
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ANWC Tribute to Cokie Roberts
Sept. 17, 2019, Wash. DC - It is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of pioneering broadcast journalist, bestselling author (6 books), and noted ANWC Excellence in Journalism Recipient (2003), Cokie Roberts, also known as Mary Martha Corinne Morrison Claiborne Boggs Roberts. She raised the bar for women in the field of journalism throughout her lifetime with her careful, thoughtful and dogged reporting and her tireless support of women behind the scenes along the way. She is revered by so many and will remain a role model for those to come. Our condolences go out to her family and appreciation for a life well lived.
Past Program: Monday, September 23, 2019
6:30 p.m. at the ANWC Clubhouse
Celebrating 100 Years of the 19th Amendment!
For more information about Elaine Weiss and The Woman's Hour, click here!
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Welcome New Board Members, and MC Andrews, our 2019-2020 President of the ANWC! Renewal Packages have been Mailed!
Click here for the 2019-2020 renewal invoice and mail (or email!) to the ANWC Club Office.
Deadline for Renewals is August 31!
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Our 2019 Annual Meeting and Election of Officers will be held Tuesday, June 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse. Please join board member and moderator Eleanor Clift, Pew Research Center's Elisa Shearer and your ANWC colleagues to discuss the state of the club and the media. To reserve, email or call the office at (202) 332-6770 during business hours (M,W,F 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.).
The ANWC is pleased to have awarded Wolf Blitzer with its 2019 Excellence in Journalism award on May 15 at our annual benefit dinner, this year a "Roast & Toast honoring Wolf Blitzer" at the National Press Club. ANWC president Janis Lamar noted, “for more than 40 years Wolf has admirably practiced the fundamental values of good journalism, reporting the news accurately, honestly, responsibly and fairly. The ultimate professional, Wolf’s work truly has made him an icon in journalism,” Special thanks to emcee Dana Bash as well as the roasters/toasters: Susan Page, Paxton Baker, Jay Shaylor, Sam Feist and Ana Navarro. The ballroom was packed with members and special guests, all great admirers of Wolf. It was truly a night to remember.
Click here to read the story in the Washington Post Reliable Source by Helena Andrews-Dyer and click here for other press coverage.
Click here to read the Press Release.
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Please Note:
New Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 am - 3 pm, Fridays, noon - 4 pm
Please call us if you need anything. Club Office Phone: 202-332-6770
Reserve Today and Press Forward with Dianna Pierce Burgess at the ANWC
Monday, November 5, 2018 6:30 PM
Join us for compelling, off-the-record, conversation with Press Forward Co-Founder and Executive Director, Dianna Pierce Burgess and Gloria Riviera and Shannon Van Sant from the Press Forward initiative who will address the latest on harrassment, empowerment for women and what's needed to change the culture in newsrooms around the globe. Founded in the wake of the #MeToo movement and addressing the concerns of the present #NowWhat response Press Forward strives for equality and fairness for women throughout the media landscape.
Reserve today at or call 202-332-6770
$25.00 for members, $30.00 for guests, $15.00 for students, lite fare supper, networking and program included.
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Julie Pace, Washington D.C. Bureau Chief, Associated Press
Wednesday, September 26, 6:30 p.m., Don't miss it. Reserve Today!
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Calling All ANWC Members! 'Tis the Season for Membership Renewal.
Please be on the lookout for your letter from ANWC President
Janis Lamar and dues invoice via mail and/or call us at the Club Office to renew!
We appreciate your continued support of the ANWC.
# # #
ANWC ANNUAL MEETING & Election of Officers 6:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse, Thurs., June 14, 2018 To reserve, contact the Club Office at # # # Veteran and beloved broadcast journalist Ann Curry raises the "Who, What, Where" award and the bar for exellence in journalism award dinners May 9 at the NPC. "It was one of our best," said ANWC President Janis Lamar. She is one of our best. It was an extraordianary night for women in journalism. * * * * * *** MEDIA ALERT *** NEWS WOMEN HONOR ANN CURRY FOR EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM Benefit Award Dinner Wed., May 9 at National Press Club The American News Women’s Club selected Ann Curry to receive its 2018 Excellence in Journalism Award. Curry will be celebrated at the ANWC’s annual benefit dinner, Wed., May 9, at the National Press Club. The dinner raises funds for journalism scholarships. Curry, a television personality, news journalist and photojournalist reporter for more than 30 years, is the executive producer and reporter of “We’ll Meet Again,” airing on PBS. Please find our registration page on the banner above marked 2018 Award Dinner - Ann Curry. We can't wait to see you. Contact the ANWC at (202) 332-6770 or for additional information and reserve today. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COME JOIN US Tuesday, March 13, 2018 6:30 p.m. HOWARD KURTZ MEDIA MADNESS: Donald Trump, the Press and the War over Truth RESERVE TODAY! Contact the Club office 202-332-6770 or Contact us if you'd like to submit suggestions for more exciting programs to We look forward to hearing your suggestions! # # # # STANDING ROOM ONLY Wednesday, Jan. 24th 6:30 p.m. SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR NEXT EXCITING PROGRAM FEATURING: SALLY QUINN Wednesday, January 24, 2018, 6:30 PM FINDING MAGIC: A Spiritual Memoir RESERVE EARLY: call 202-332-6770 # # # # 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. - We've got some exciting entertainment in the works, a delicious buffet and the IWMF Emergency Fund for women journalists (for more info visit as our designated charity this year. Board Member MC Andrews is our Chair. You'll be hearing more details very soon. We look forward to a fun & festive evening.Reserve early! Don't miss this one. ********************************* COMING UP SOON: Thurs., Nov. 16, 2017 at the Club, 6:30 p.m. networking, dinner 7:15 p.m. program Journalist and bestselling author: Liza Mundy will discuss "Code Girls," (Hachette Books, just released and on bestellers lists already), the "riveting untold story of the brave American young women who cracked the Japanese and German code to help win World War II." For more info on the book or the author go to Reserve early for what will surely be a fascinating evening, or call 202-332-6770. # # # A VERY SPECIAL EVENING HAD BY ALL Wed. Oct. 4, 2017 STATE OF EDUCATION 6:30 p.m. Come join us at the Club as we discuss our current State of Education. This is first in a seris of "State of" discussions! Meet Kimberly Hefling, Senior Education Writer at Politco (pictured below). Kimberly Hefling Also meet Laura McGiffert Slover, President and CEO of Centerpoint Education Solutions (pictured below). And Aleta Margolis, Found of Center for Inspired Teaching. Reserve today. 202-332-6770 or email us at! RESERVE TODAY for lite fare dinner, networking and this very special program. CALL 202-332-6770 or email Janina at The ANWC is America's oldest women's Press Club. ********************************************************************************** CONGRATULATIONS to ANWC's new President, Janis Lamar (center) who will keep the momentum and continue to lead our new 2017-2018 Governing Board and our membership to great success. We are truly honored and grateful to have such a professional as Janis Lamar head up our leadership team. For a complete list of the newly appointed slate of ANWC Governing Board officers click here. (2017-2018 ANWC Board Members (L-R), Jean White, Pamela Hosey, Sandy Trupp, Janis Lamar, Eleanor Clift, Jan DuPlain, Jane Pennewell, not pictured: Sheilah Kast, MC Andrews) # # # # Wash., DC, May 4, 2017 - USA TODAY's Susan Page accepted the ANWC Excellence in Journalism Award 2017 with great fanfare and with CNN's Wolf Blitzer as emcee at the National Press Club. A great night was had by all in support of the best journalism and in celebrating the founding of the ANWC. The "Who What Where" award, a question mark, was designed by trailblazing artist Lolo Sarnoff. It's made of plexiglass but you don't win it without asking the tough questions. Bravo Susan! Thank you ANWC President Jean White (pictured above left next to 2017 honoree Susan Page) for your stalwart efforts to steer the efforts celebrating our 85 years of the ANWC. "After 85 years, we've earned our way, said Claire Swift," Co-chair of the dinner with Co-chairs Jan Du Plain, Janis Lamar, Pam Stevens and Sandy Trupp. Susan Page proudly accepted the honor surrounded by her family and friends, members of the ANWC and a gamut of journalsts and newsmakers including roasters Diane Rehm, Chris Matthews, her son, Ben Leubsdorf and so many others including artist Patty Raine, writer and producer John Greco. And a benefit committee of ANWC supporters. # # REGISTRATION IS CLOSED! MEET OUR ANWC EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALIMSM PAST RECIPIENTS AND GUESS WHO'S NEXT? On May 4th in a glorious celebration, we'll be honoring USA TODAY's SUSAN PAGE (in red). Registration is OPEN to purchase seats and tables for ANWC's All-Star Evening of Excellence 2017 at the Press Club. Click here to reserve today! It's looking to be sold out. Purchase now! * * * * COME JOIN US AT THE CLUB $25.00 for members and guests/ lite fare dinner (limited seating) Please reserve early!. Contact JANINA AT THE CLUB OFFICE AT 202-332-6770, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am- 4:00 pm, e-mail Books will be available. # # The American News Women's Club has chosen veteran news reporter and Washington bureau chief Susan Page from USA TODAY to receive its Excellence in Journalism Award for 2017. Ms. Page has covered The White House and national politics through ten presidential elections. She will be recognized for her outstanding professional accomplishments at the ANWC gala award evening at the National Press Club on Thurs., May 4, 2017, to benefit ANWC's scholarships for aspiring journalism students. The ANWC is celebrating its eighty-fifth year of women breaking barriers. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Hear about the colorful life and times of Lizzie McCort Taber aka "Baby Doe", one of America's original legends from the Wild West to her Willard Hotel Wedding. Reserve early! Limited seating. Click here for more info or go to our Programs page for more on exciting programs. # # # In 2014, the ANWC honored legendary broadcast journalist Gwen Ifill (PBS News Hour, Washington Week) with the ANWC Excellence in Journalism Award for her outstanding service in journalism. She was incredibly gracious and grateful. On behalf of all the members of the ANWC we are sorry for the world's great loss of such a beloved figure. Rest in Peace Gwen Ifill. Your presence and dedication to excellence will be sorely missed. Left to right: Julie Chase, Martha Raddatz, Eleanor Clift, Claire Swift, Gwen Ifill, Dorothy Giliiam and John Dickerson. # # # Congratulations to ANWC lifetime honorary member (former FLOTUS) Hillary Clinton who made history on July 27, 2016, as the first woman ever to be nominated by the Democratic Party for president of the United Sates. Congratulations Hillary for having the courage to continue breaking barriers for all women. On August 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratiefied to grant American women the right to vote. Every First Lady of the United States has been a member of the ANWC since 1932. _______________________ Page Crosland (Comms Liaison) Ginny Daly, (Past President, Governo), Claire Swift (Past Presiden) Jan DuPlain (VP of Diplomatic Relations) Jean White (President) and Pamela Hosey (Secretary) gather for the ANWC Annual Meeting and Election of Officers on June 21st at the ANWC. Page Crosland, Jane Pennewell (VP of Membership), Jan DuPlain (VP of Diplomatic Relations), Marion Mattingly (Governor), Claire Swift, Eleanor Clift (Governor) and Jean White. Missing Sandy Trupp, (VP of Stratgic Development) and Hal Matson (Historian). The gorgeous Frances Stroh packed the house at the ANWC June 15th for our Author's program: Beer Money: A Memoir of Privilege and Loss (published by Harper Collins). ANWC sponsoring Board Member Claire Swift, our speaker, Frances Stroh and ANWC President Jean White. May 19, 2016 - National Press Club, Wash., DC - Fox friends, fans along ANWC members and guests alike adored and adorned Fox News host and veteran reporter Greta Van Susteren as she recieved the ANWC's prestigious Excellence in Journalism Award. A magnificent time was had by all. Thank you Greta for making it look effortless and for being such a pro for all of these years. As our 2016 recipient, Greta joins our hall of fame of lifetime honorary members of the ANWC Way to go Greta! Click here for our list of past recipients. Click here for more photos from our 2016 Greta gala and more from our photo galleries. Three ANWC members Kathy Trupp, Sandy Trupp and Becky Trupp gather with their husbands John, Phil and Kevin Rolan at the Press Club this year. Phil and Sandy Trupp were the first to join our Club as a couple! ____________________________________________ Dec. 7, 2017
ANWC Annual Holiday Party
LIZA MUNDY: Breaking the Code
SLOVER, HEFLING, MARGOLIS: Breaking Barriers in Education
Laura Slover
Aleta Margolis
ANWC Welcomes New Board
SUSAN PAGE: Asking the Tough Questions
Thursday, March 30, 2017/SOLD OUT
6:30 PM at the ANWC Susan Quinn will present her intimate portrait published by Penguin Books of the three decades long relationship between the First Lady and journalist Lorena Hickok that tranformed them both. Their relationship begain in 1932 when the ANWC was founded.
Award Evening to be held at Nat'l Press Club, Thurs. May 4, 2017
AMAZING EVENING: Wed. FEBRUARY 15th at the CLUB - 'THE SILVER BARON'S WIFE' by Donna Baier Stein - First in our "Women Breaking Barriers" series
Annual Meeting/Election of Officers 2016
Frances Stroh
Greta Van Susteren Receives
ANWC 2016 Excellence in Journalism Award
ANWC Gala 2016: A Family Affair
Click here for more photos and/or visit our photo galleries!