American News Women's Club
Home of Trailblazers
Club Admin Hours:
Mon., Wed., 10:30 am-2:30 pm, Fri.,10:30 am-1:30 pm (and/or by appoint.) 
Please contact us at or call us at 202-332-6770.


The new "Dress for Success" w/ Jane Penewell

Please note, this program will take place on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the ANWC. Click here to register by March 13.


 New Member, Katie Rogers' book is available.


Congratulations ANWC EIJ Scholarship Winners 2024!

Eleanor Clift (Scholarship Committee Chair, ANWC EIJ Recipient, 2010), Weslan Hansen (AU '24), Angelique Gingras (UMD '24), Maureen Dowd (EIJ Recipient '24), and Aleena Fayaz (GW '24).
For more information on our scholarship winners click here.

Meet ANWC EIJ Scholarship Winners 2023

Sejal Govindarao (GW '24), Syedah Asghar (AU '23), Dana Bash (EIJ Recipient '23), and Jane Fusco (AU '25). Click here to learn more. 



* 2023 Excellence in Journalism VIP Reception honoring Dana Bash, May 24, at the Clubhouse. Click here.
*Sept. 28, "Saving History" program with Dorothy Gilliam, Maurine Beasley, and Petula Dvorak. Click here.
 *2022 EIJ Award Celebration and Benefit Dinner honoring Bob Woodward, ANWC's 90th Anniversay video. Click here.
*2022 Scholarship winners video. Click here.


Pravina Khadka (GW, '26) is ANWC's Marketing/Media Coordinator. Pravina is overseeing Club and Cranford House marketing and membership activities.  


ANWC's Past Scholarship Winners


Daniella Jimenez (AU,'24), Bob Woodward (ANWC EIJ Recipient '22), Hannah Loder (GW, '23) and Nzinga Temu (Howard, '22) pictured at the National Press Club on May 12, 2022.


Carmenluciia Acosta (AU, '21) and Georgena Mierow (GW, '21) pictured on the podium at the National Press Club in May, 2021 with Board Member and Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, Eleanor Clift.



                        ANWC 2017 GALA REGISTRATION

Welcome to our gala registration page. Here's your chance to purchase fabulous seats, tables, scholarships (new this year), door prize raffle chance and recognition in our printed and live program.

    All-Star Evening of Excellence honoring USA Today's Susan Page

Please note: Gala Registration closes Friday, April 28th COB. Please purchase seats, tables and ad listings by then. Thank you.

 Thurs. May 4th, 6:30 PM, National Press Club. Limited seating. Register below or CALL THE CLUB OFFICE - 202-332-6770 (office hours are M, W, F 10 am-2pm ) and/or pay by check or credit card directly!


Admission for one/two includes cocktails in the Holman lounge, dinner and  award program.

_____  $175 - ANWC Member seat

_____  $185 - "Friends" seat, for National Press Club, Gridiron, White House Correspondents Assoc., University Club members and special friends of Susan Page

_____  $195 - Guest seat

_____  $125 - Junior/Student seat (25 and under)

_____  $350 - Member/Guest price for two (limited availability)

____$750 - VIP "Supporter" seats (two seats with premier seating and listing in program)

_____  **$20 - "Dress For Success" Rafffle/Door Prize - Chance to win gift from all-star designer

Individual Seat options
Name on ticket (add name then add to cart/purchase)


_____ $3,500 Supporter Table
Table for 8 people and recognition in the live and printed program

_____ $10,000 Sponsoring Media Organization Table
Premier table for 10 people, recognition during the event, and prominent recognition in the printed program.

Table options

A SCHOLARSHIP  (new this year!)

_____ $3,000 Scholarship for aspiring journalist from local area universities. Includes name recognition in printed and live program

Scholarship Option

PRINTED PROGRAM: (Pay below via paypal by April 30, 2017)  and contact to clarify listing in printed program.


____ $125 Friends of Susan Page
Prominent listing in the program

____  $75  Friends of ANWC

Program Listings options


____ $2,500 Back Page

____ $2.000 Full Page

____ $1,000 Half Page

____ $  500 Quarter Page

Ad options



NOTE:  Use the "Add special instructions to the seller" field under your credit card information to indicate your name and others for whom you are making a reservation.  Please note, seats and tables will be reserved in your name for the guest list at there door.   Seating is arranged on a first reserve, first come basis and are non-refundable.


Print this page, indicate your registration preferences, and send with your check made payable to ANWC to American News Women's Club, 1607 22nd Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008.


Claire Swift, 202.332-6770 or
Sandy Trupp, 202.332-6770 or


Janina Roncevic at 202-332-6770 or


The ANWC is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. The proceeds of our fundraisers help support ANWC's university journalism scholarship program, its many educational events throughout the year, and maintain the historic Club House.  This year our proceeds will go toward funding our scholarship winners from DC area journalism schools and our educational programs that support excellence in journalism.