American News Women's Club
Home of Trailblazers
Club Admin Hours:
Mon., Wed., 10:30 am-2:30 pm, Fri.,10:30 am-1:30 pm (and/or by appoint.) 
Please contact us at or call us at 202-332-6770.


Join us to celebrate Women's History Month at the Club, Tues., March 4, 2025.

Don't miss this special Women's History Month program to learn more about groundbreaking politician Margaret Heckler as presented by new author Kimberly Heckler on her new book "A Woman of Firsts: Margaret Heckler, Political Trailblazer." Click here to register.


The new "Dress for Success" w/ Jane Penewell

Please note, this program will take place on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the ANWC. Click here to register early.


 New Member, Katie Rogers' book is available.


Congratulations ANWC EIJ Scholarship Winners 2024!

Eleanor Clift (Scholarship Committee Chair, ANWC EIJ Recipient, 2010), Weslan Hansen (AU '24), Angelique Gingras (UMD '24), Maureen Dowd (EIJ Recipient '24), and Aleena Fayaz (GW '24).
For more information on our scholarship winners click here.

Meet ANWC EIJ Scholarship Winners 2023

Sejal Govindarao (GW '24), Syedah Asghar (AU '23), Dana Bash (EIJ Recipient '23), and Jane Fusco (AU '25). Click here to learn more. 



* 2023 Excellence in Journalism VIP Reception honoring Dana Bash, May 24, at the Clubhouse. Click here.
*Sept. 28, "Saving History" program with Dorothy Gilliam, Maurine Beasley, and Petula Dvorak. Click here.
 *2022 EIJ Award Celebration and Benefit Dinner honoring Bob Woodward, ANWC's 90th Anniversay video. Click here.
*2022 Scholarship winners video. Click here.


Pravina Khadka (GW, '26) is ANWC's Marketing/Media Coordinator. Pravina is overseeing Club and Cranford House marketing and membership activities.  


ANWC's Past Scholarship Winners


Daniella Jimenez (AU,'24), Bob Woodward (ANWC EIJ Recipient '22), Hannah Loder (GW, '23) and Nzinga Temu (Howard, '22) pictured at the National Press Club on May 12, 2022.


Carmenluciia Acosta (AU, '21) and Georgena Mierow (GW, '21) pictured on the podium at the National Press Club in May, 2021 with Board Member and Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, Eleanor Clift.



Photo Galleries

Click here to view photos of
the many exciting ANWC events.

Membership Information

APPLY to be a member today! Download the membership application here.

RENEW your membership. Download the membership renewal form here.

Please note all membership fees and dues are final and non-refundable.

Membership Levels

Active Membership
Active members are individuals currently employed in print, electronic and broadcast news and information, including reporters, writers, editors, photographers and illustrators as well as book authors, publishers, public relations practitioners and newsletter producers.
Level II - Professional to age 25 ($50)
Level III - 26-36 years of age ($75)
Level IV - 37 years of age and above ($140)
Level V - Retired ($50)
Out of Washington Area - OOA ($50)

Affiliate Members

$165 Affiliate members are individuals whose professions and interests are allied to the American News Women’s Club.

Associate Members
$165 Associate members are persons, or spouses of persons, who are prominent in the arts, science, education, government, civic affairs, or social services.

Out of State Members $50
Initiation Fee
(one time only) 

Honorary Members

U.S. presidents, royalty, and other individuals who have achieved national or internationaldistinction may be elected to this category by the Board of Governors.

For a more extensive description of these membership categories and the categories of Honorary, Distinguished Member Emeritus and Retired, please contact the clubhouse at (202) 332-6770.

We accept all major credit cards. You will have to contact the Club Manager with your card information.
Please call (202) 332-6770.

Membership Benefits

Founded in 1932, the American News Women's Club brings together a diverse group of reporters, editors, publishers, independent authors and public relations professionals who embrace the club's goals.

Promoting Journalistic Excellence
A series of professional development workshops and seminars give members insight into the latest developments in the field.

Fostering Professional Growth
Networking evenings with other professional groups and members-only happy hours ensure that members connect with people who share their interests. ANWC supports community activities with complementary missions and goals.

Advancing Women's Roles
ANWC raises public awareness of contributions made by women in journalism and related professions. An annual benefit supports college scholarships in the field.

Reasons to Join
Whether you're a current member or looking to become a member, here are a few of our club membership benefits:

  1. Emphasis on Women as Washington Opinion Leaders/Newsmakers
  2. Camaraderie, Fellowship, Networking Opportunites
  3. Club website:
  4. Monthly Dispatchees
  5. Fall,  Winter and Spring ShopTalk
  6. Membership Directory (as requested)
  7. Newsmaker Programs & Author Evenings
  8. Embassy Programs and/or Visits
  9. Annual Benefit Gala/Award dinner to present ANWC's Excellence in Journalism Award
  10. ANWC Scholarship Award Program granted by Scholarship Committee
  11. Unique and historic Clubhouse (Cranford House)
  12. Member Rates for Programs and Club Rentals at Clubhouse
  13. ANWC Archives